Monday, January 3, 2011

A very, reasonable prediction for the new year

In mid-April of 2010, Eyjafjallajokull (pronounce E-Ya-Jokul in American English), a volacono, erupted. It spewed ash into the Stratosphere bringing European air traffic to a grinding halt. Which is much better than keeping them in the air and having their engines come to a grinding halt because of ash. But E.Jokul, that's what we will call her or him (I'm not sure of the gender of this volcano) lives next door to a much more powerful giant caldera volcano, Katla.

And since records were kept, and this goes back to 900 A.D., every time E.Jokul erupts (it's erupted three times since 916 A.D), Katla blasts its top 6 months to 1.5 years later. Obviously, this is empirical evidence and geologists caution that one does not want to enage in the post hoc fallacy that one thing follows the other; there is no evidence for it. It is thought that the lava produced by E. Jokul melts the the 600 meter ice cap, yes 600 meters, that rests atop the sleeping giant, causing it to burst like a giant pimple sending ash high into the air since cold water and lava cause explosions. Hopefully, al-Qaeda isn't reading this though I doubt they'd be able to use it given their recent ineptitude with underwear bombs and death printers.

So, given the evidence I'm going to tell everyone to cool their jets as an eruption of Katla is likely given past history. But you might not want to start shorting European airline just yet, as predictions are just that, predictions. Though this is more of an educated guess. In any event, check out this video of last year's eruption. If nothing, else it'll make reading this post worthwhile is the video is simply amazing.

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