Sunday, January 9, 2011

Grumpy Old Swedes

Well, Philadelphia can breathe a sigh of relief this snow brawl didn't involve Santa or parking chairs (yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as a parking chair). Anyhoo, in Jönköping in southern central Sweden, two elderly men, who probably had icy relations to begin with, took a disagreement about shoveling their driveways to a new level: they attacked each other with their shovels. It was a real cage match.

"Something happened that upset one of the neighbors, who then attacked, while the other one defended himself. It started out with a little shove, then some chaos ensued," Nils-Erik Eriksson, media relations officer at the Jönköping police force, told the local newspaper J-Nytt.

It's certainly not the news of the day with the tragedy that struck our nation yesterday, but this is a little something to add some levity to these times as no one was seriosly hurt and it just seems like something out of a bad B-movie. Here's the link: Grumpy old Swedes.

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