Friday, January 7, 2011

Does anyone else get the feeling Russel Brand is in BIG trouble?

Ok, this happened days ago but i like to keep the pop flowing like lava, or mud, since that is what Katy Perry Should have been wearing on her face to hide her different she looks sans Loreal. In all seriousness, what was Russell Brand thinking taking a photo of his new wife sans make-up and putting it on Twitter. Did he not understand the meaning of the site Uh, it's fairly obvious. They gawk. And in this case they haven't laughed so hard since Heidi Montag took on robotic proportions. Seriously Heidi, why? why? why? I remember your cover shot from back in 2007 in Stuff, a now deceased mag, like so many other formerly great publications that bit it with Lehman Bros, and you were gorgeous. I could have loved you even with all your personality faults. Alas, here is Katy perry...sorry Katy:

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